General Paperwork Services

Personal and General Paperwork Services

At Clarity we offer many General Paperwork Services.  The list of general paperwork services is too long to list completely here.  So below are just some of our more commonly used services.  If you don’t see what it is you need help with please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Due to Brexit as of 2021 some information may be slightly different for British nationals.



NIE stands for “Número de Identidad de Extranjero”, which translates to Foreigners Identity Number.  All persons and companies operating in Spain must have an ID number.  

This will be your personal number for all Spanish territory and will never change. 

Spanish nationals have a DNI number, companies have a CIF number.

The primary search in all data bases will be by your ID number, and used by yourself right across the board from signing to accept a postal package to registering your pet at the vets.

We will make the arrangements for your application and guide you through every step of the process.



You may choose to stay as a non-resident, or apply for residency. Depending on your circumstances and length of stay on Lanzarote. ie if you reside here for more than 183 days a year. You would be considered a Tax Resident of Lanzarote. And therefore you would be required to file your tax return here.  You should also change your bank account to a residents account. 

We can do all this for you if required just get it touch with us. and let us no what you need contact us


Register at the Town Hall (Empadronamiento)

If you are residing locally, you should enrol yourself at the local town hall as a domestic resident.

Once you are on this register each and every time you need a proof of address you can request a certificate. 

You will need to provide your identification and documents of address such as a rental contract or property title deed.


Social Securityseguridad-social

If you are intending to work here, or are of pension age you should enrol yourself on the social security register.


National Health

With your social security number and a certificate of empadronamiento you will be able to register at your local doctors.



A non resident’s bank account could be opened with just a passport. But now, due to new European Laws regarding the prevention of illegal money laundering. You should now be required to present, proof of activity (Latest p60) and some proof of your address as well. 

This will be subject to a yearly charge of approximately 25 euros per person by the authorities in line with anti-fraud legislation for a confirmation that you are not tax payers in Spain.  You will also be required yearly to sign documentation to confirm that you remain non residents.

A resident’s bank account can be opened with a passport and NIE number. 

Some banks have extra internal policies and may require further economical information.

All banks offer online banking (although in some cases you may need a Spanish mobile to receive security codes), cheque books, credit cards, savings accounts etc


There are many more general paperwork services we can help you with, too many to list completely. Below is an edited list to show you a few more. If you have a problem or question that’s not on our list please contact us. Help is just a few clicks away.

All types of local authority paperwork (rates, rubbish removal, car taxes etc)
Electricity and water, change of title owner or new connections. 
Importing a Car 
Setting up direct debits with your bank.
Visits to doctors, hospitals.


We also offer the following services.  Please click on any of the links below for help or assistance on issues associated with any of the services above or below.

Don’t put it off, or get overly stressed. Our aim is to help resolve these issues smoothly and quickly so contact us today.



Accounting services                                     Legal services                                        Property services



Please don’t hesitate to get in touch for help and solutions for any general paperwork services concerns.

Telephone:  (+34) 606 835 559. Also available via whatsapp whatsapp


various personal paperwork services